Saturday, January 29, 2011

Weight Loss - Genetics

Genetics is indeed a major factor in determining your metabolic rate and consequently your weight. If your parents have a slow metabolism, i.e. their bodies digest food very slowly, chances are that you have inherited your slow metabolism from them.

NOTE: You shouldn’t use this fact as an excuse though; with focused and persistent efforts at healthy diet and exercise, it is easily possible to change this.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Weight loss - Eating Too Quickly

I was in the military and we had to eat our meals very quickly so that we could resume training. It wasn’t a problem for us because we exercised and trained every single day so we couldn’t notice any bad effects as we were not trying to lose weight but gain muscle.

After leaving the military I continued my habit of eating quickly. With hardly any exercise, it wasn’t too long before I gained 50 pounds. I was at a loss. It wasn’t even a year since I’d left the military.

I later found out that if you eat very quickly your brain cannot figure out when to stop until it is too late. You need to allow time for the brain to respond to the signal from your stomach that I’m full! Eating slowly also helps you digest food better and should be part of any weight loss plan.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Weight Loss - Lack of Sleep

Do you know why doctors recommend 8 hours of sleep every night? It is because if you sleep less than 8 hours your body doesn’t complete its job of restoring the body and can lead to weight gain. Its natural functioning is hampered and may also stimulate the hormones that create your appetite. Most people catch around 7 hours of sleep at night, which leads to weight gain.

Weight Loss - Causes of Obesity

Our weight primarily depends upon the quantity of food we eat, the kind of food we eat, whether we eat as a means of relieving stress, whether we exercise regularly, and so on. Other factors that also contribute to our weight are age, genetics, general physiological condition and wellbeing.

It is always beneficial to know how you put on weight, because you’ll then be aware of what NOT to do when striving for weight loss. In this blog post I’ll talk about the habits/activities that cause you to put on weight.

Social life is one of the biggest culprits. In many places, having a “good time” generally means eating scrummy food. This makes you develop a taste for bad habits like overeating.

Another reason of putting on weight is improper amount and time of intake. If you stray too much from an adequate breakfast, good lunch, small snack, and perfect dinner, it disturbs the energy balance of your body.

Skipping breakfast, not having a proper lunch, snacking on junk food, coming home to eat a big dinner, and sleeping immediately after dinner is quite common. When you are asleep your metabolic rate is very low, and therefore the food you eat just before bedtime doesn’t break down, leading to storage of fat.

Obesity and Health Risks are Increasing at an Alarming Rate

Over the last few decades we have seen an exponential growth in cases of obesity and its consequences like heart disease, stroke, hypertension and diabetes, especially in the United States and United Kingdom.
Through this blog I hope to create a positive impact on the readers and show them new ways of losing weight and staying fit for life.

Weight Loss - Start Here

The time to shed your spare tire is now and the place to learn how to do it is here; I welcome you to my weight loss blog. In this weight loss blog I shall comprehensively explain how to quickly and effectively lose weight through healthy diet and exercise.

Shedding fat brings out several benefits. A prominent one is that you feel much more lively and healthy. It is definitely something that can make you really happy in life. If you are fat or obese, it’s time you took quick steps towards good health.

It is estimated that 97 million Americans are overweight. That’s almost a third of the country’s population!

I know that everyone hates dieting and justifiably so in today’s hectic world. So I’m going to show you a weight loss system in which you can eat your favorite foods (not fast foods though) and feel great!
The trick is to eat optimum portions of food so that your body runs like a newly serviced machine. It’s obvious that you cannot lose weight after eating tons of food. But you shouldn’t starve yourself either because it is totally counterproductive. 

To keep yourself focused and motivated right until you achieve your goal, it is important to follow a healthy diet and exercise plan. Else if you don’t see the results of your wholehearted efforts you are likely to feel discouraged. With a plan in place, you’ll be able to find out the things that work for you and those that don’t.